No More Lip Gloss!

I went through my make up stash and found way too many glosses
22 to be exact, I feel like that is wayyyyyy too many for one lady (especially since they were mostly all in a shade of pink) I have lip glosses that plump, lip glosses that smooth out lip lines, I even have lip glosses that are suppose to supress my appatie and speed  up my metabolism. Well after watching PunchyPink87 You Tube video (Click HERE to watch it) I learned that some of these glosses needed to be tossed. I found a few that looked like this
I couldn't remember when I got these but they were starting to separate and they had to go. So that left me with a little under 20 lip glosses still in my collection and I WILL NOT be buying anymore lip glosses until the ones I have get used up or expire. Wish me luck! XOXO


  1. Wow, that's alot of lip glosses. I only own one.. Lol. I found your blog on beautylish. Now following. Hope you follow back.

  2. I own entirely too many lipglosses as well - I just don't know how I will ever get through them all! (I won't, that's how lol). It makes me very sad when makeup expires and you can tell that you have to throw it out, but I suppose it's better than putting something bad like that near your mouth! (fun fact: the average woman will consume around 4 lbs of lipstick in her lifetime)

  3. I am the same way with lip balms. Everywhere I go in my apartment, there is a lip balm of some sort (scented, unscented, tinted, spf, night name it!). And the worst part is I'm always buying more! I've actually had to stop myself at least 3 times this past week when I was in or near a drugstore from buying another one haha

  4. i always find that lip glosses are like, impulse buys... you just kind of pick one up everytime you buy something else. i have a TON. and in all honesty, i hate lip gloss!

    XOXO Mary


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